Tuesday, April 28, 2009

India - Kerala Tourist Destinations

India - Kerala Tourist Destinations

here’s no excuse these days: internet or guidebook, library or online forum, there are plenty of ways to learn something about even the most obscure destination before you travel there. In fact, I think that’s one of the best parts of traveling. As well as reading up on some of the places I hope to visit, I also love to read novels that are set in my destination or biographies of some of its most famous citizens. Depending on your personal interests, you might like to source some locally-made music, or use the internet to listen to a radio station broadcasting in your destination. As well as becoming familiar with the place and its culture, you’ll get even more enthusiastic about your trip.
What do you need to know? Most of it depends on you, but there are certain basics that I’d like to say go without saying – but you’d be amazed what some people don’t know. Check these off your list: basic geography, the name and rate of the local currency, language and dialects, capital city and major towns, unusual customs, any dangers. Get deeper in the areas that interest you. Hope this Site may help you.

Thanks and regards Prasanth kp

Monday, April 27, 2009


Thiruvananthapuram, earlier known as Trivandrum, is the capital city of Kerala. The name literally splits into "Tiru", "Anantha" "puram" meaning "the town of Lord ANANTHA".

This is really true since the temple is at the heart of the town and for generations, the kings have called themselves "Padmanabha-Dasa" or the "servants of LORD Ananthapadmanabha", and ruled the state as the representatives of LORD Anantha-Padmanabha.




Technopark offers a unique confluence of advantages, not found elsewhere in comparable destinations in India - robust and failsafe physical infrastructure, power and data connectivity; highly trained technical manpower; most flexible regulatory framework; highest incentives (up to 180,000 USD); and the best law and order environment in India. All this at effectively one-third the operational cost of other comparable locations in India.

Sucheendram Temple

Sucheendram Temple

Make an excursion to this Shiva-Brahma-Vishnu temple. The stone carvings are intricate; one could spend a while studying them. There is also a huge Hanuman statue and a musical pillar.

palayam church

palayam church

My first impression about the church is that it is truly a calm and quiet place within the city. This church is one of the oldest and the most popular church in trivandrum city commonly known as palayam pally in malayalam.

Jama Masjid, Beemapally

Jama Masjid, Beemapally

Beema Palli is a shrine on Beach Road, 5 km south west of the Railway station. The Shrine is dedicated to Beema Beevi, a Muslim women believed to have divine powers and the festival is held in her memory. The festival commemorates the death anniversary of Beema Devi.

Attukal Pongala

Attukal Pongala

Attukal Devi Temple of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India is word famous for its festival called Pongala in which most number of women gathering in one place. The guinnes authorities certified that in Attukal Pongala is "the largest annual gathering of women takes place in February or March every year at the Attukal Devi Temple, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India for the pongala offering. The women gather with their cooking pots to to perform a ritual for the health and prosperity of their families.The highest attendance recorded was 1.5 million women festival on 23 February February 1997".



Sree Nārāyana Guru Swami, was a saint, sage, prophet and social reformer of India. The Guru was born into an Ezhava family, in an era when people from backward communities like the Ezhavas faced much social injustices in the caste-ridden Kerala society. Gurudevan, as he was fondly known to his followers, revolted against casteism and worked on propagating new values of freedom in spirituality and of social equality, thereby transforming the Kerala society and as such he is adored as a prophet

Trivandrum Zoo

Trivandrum Zoo

The Trivandrum Zoo[1]is located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city, the capital of Kerala, India. It is one among the well designed in Asia and is set amidst a woodland, lakes and lawns. Thiruvananthapuram Zoo, one of the oldest in the country, was established as an annexe to the Museum (Napier Museum)in 1857 by the erstwhile Maharaja of Travancore in order to attract more visitors[. This Zoo was originally set up for recreational purpose only. But with more and more loss of forest and wildlife in the process of human development, the goal of the Zoo changed from recreation to conservation. Today Zoos are seen as the last resort for endangered animals and birds. The Central Zoo Authority established in 1992 under the Ministry of Environment and Forest of India, enforces uniform management code to all the Zoos in the country and provide financial and technical support for the Zoos.

Sree Nārāyana Guru Swami

Sree Nārāyana Guru Swami

Sree Nārāyana Guru Swami, was a saint, sage, prophet and social reformer of India. The Guru was born into an Ezhava family, in an era when people from backward communities like the Ezhavas faced much social injustices in the caste-ridden Kerala society. Gurudevan, as he was fondly known to his followers, revolted against casteism and worked on propagating new values of freedom in spirituality and of social equality, thereby transforming the Kerala society and as such he is adored as a prophet



The salubrious hill station of Ponmudi is at a distance of 61 kms from Thiruvananthapuram. Ponmudi is located 915 metres above sea level. An idyllic hill resort with narrow, winding pathways and a cool, green, wooded environs, Ponmudi is located 915 metres above sea level. Along with a variety of beautiful mountain flowers, exotic butterflies and small rivulets the natural scenery, salubrious climate and the scope of hiking in high trails make the visit an exhilarating experience. There is a charming deer park which is only 3kms from Ponmudi. One will find oneself compulsively pausing every now and then to drink in deep the spectacular sweep of the hill ranges, tea-estates and the mist-covered valleys, peppered with little toy-like stone cottages painted a pretty violet, pink, or white with pointed and peaked roofs.

Padmanabha Swamy Temple

Padmanabha Swamy Temple

Renovated in 1733 AD by the then ruler of Travancore, Raja Marthanda Varma, this holy shrine attracts thousands of Hindu devotees. Located inside the east fort, this fascinating temple is the most important landmark of Thiruvananthapuram. The temple portrays both Kerala and the Dravidian styles of architecture. It is a grand seven storied structure adorned by innumerable stone carvings, ancient inscriptions and colourful murals. There are around 324 pillars in the temple corridor.

The main Deity in this temple is Lord Padmanabha, who reclines on Anantha, the thousand-headed serpent.

Sree Chithira Art Gallery

Sree Chithira Art Gallery

Next to the museum, this is in a smaller, traditional building established in 1935 has a century old world famous paintings of Raja Ravi Varma, the pioneering Indian genies in the art of oil painting. It houses the collections of the Travancore ruling family, and included an interesting assortment of turn-of-the-century Bengali school paintings, Rajasthani and Mughal miniatures. Tanjore paintings and a selection of works by a Russian emigrant, Svetosku Roerich and by Kerala's favorite artist son, Raja Ravi Varma is major attraction. The latter's works include a number of portraits of maharajahs and their families, British residents and distinguished individuals, and by studying their faces one gets a glimpse of a part of Kerala's history. The architecture has a combination of Kerala tradition. Bronze images, ivory carvings, temple chariots and historical ornaments present an excellent collection. One can spend few hours easily viewing all the displays.

This place is open for visitors from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm and remains closed on Mondays & Wednesday forenoons.